



Advanced Multimedia Integrated Environment

ESPRIT Project 8610

The project

European Commission

First and foremost, the Partners would like to thank the European Commission for funding the project; and in particular Mr. Jean-Claude Emond, the AMIE project officer, for his support and assistance throughout.

Project direction (ORL)

Tom Blackie

Tom Blackie (ORL) was in charge of AMIE since its inception, first as Technical Director and later as Project Director. He co-ordinated the efforts of the partners at every stage, from initial definition, through system design, implementation phase, deployment and evaluation.

Alan Chaney

Alan Chaney (TSL, ex ORL) started as Project Director and left this post in 1995 to become Managing Director of TSL, the spin-off company that ORL formed to exploit results of pioneering work in multimedia systems, such as those deployed in the AMIE system. He then became AMIE's Exploitation Manager.

Tim Glauert

Tim Glauert (TSL, ex ORL) was one of the two designers of the Medusa multimedia system. He originally wrote the Medusa core under Unix and then, within AMIE, ported it to Windows NT. He worked on AMIE since the beginning and became Technical Director in 1995.

John Thompson

Other members of ORL

Many other members of ORL contributed to the success of the AMIE project. The ORL Medusa team and in particular the efforts of Rob Walker, Frank Stajano, John Thompson and Dave Berry are greatly appreciated.

Brendan Murphy

Monica Wachowicz

University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

At the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory two research assistants, Brendan Murphy and Monica Wachowicz, provided valuable support to ORL throughout the duration of AMIE.

Jon Kennedy

Fred Kennedy


Jon Kennedy and Fred Kennedy took part in the initial project proposal and led CAPTEC's team throughout the project's life. As well as John and Fred a number of employees made valuable contributions to the application and to the support of the end-user field trial.

Anita Dowling

Neil O'Hare

St. James's Hospital, Dublin

Providing a trial site for such and advanced prototype system in an operational environment is a demanding role. The project's thanks go to St. James's Hospital for their continued support throughout; it provided valuable inspiration and focus. We would like to acknowledge the work of Neil O'Hare and in particular the never ending enthusiasm and professionalism of Anita Dowling whose dedication to the project was resolute.

Telemedia Applicazioni SpA (formerly Sixtel)

Andrew Bud led the Telemedia Applicazoni team. Nelio Scroi and others provided much of the technical input. The efforts of Emanuele Plati to keep things together and provide support and working units were greatly appreciated.

Philippe Gentric


Philippe Gentric was the LEP project representative, and provided LEP's main technical resource input to the AMIE project.

Luis del Pino

Michel Demeester

The reviewers

The three AMIE project reviewers were:
  • Mr Luis del Pino of TransTool, Madrid.
  • Dr. Med. Michel Demeester of Premium, S.A. Belgium.
  • Mr. Morten Skov of NKT and later DSC Communications A/S, Denmark.
The project would like to thank all of the reviewers for their constructive criticism help and encouragement. In particular Dr. Demeester for his valuable input to the end user medical application and the analysis methodology.

The documentation

The AMIE web and CD were produced by ORL.

Frank Stajano

Frank Stajano (ORL) was in charge of producing this AMIE documentation. He worked on Medusa and AMIE, developing programmer's tools, user applications and then an application framework and a set of libraries. For the AMIE docs he wrote the first draft of the main text, photographed and filmed the pilot installation, edited the AMIE movie, annoyed the partners until they sent in their contributions, composed the photographic essay, designed the layout of the web pages, wrote the tools to generate them, converted the files to the right formats and generally had a good time making all this come together.
Tom Blackie (ORL) provided strategic guidance, edited and refined the text and kept the contacts with the partners.
Thies Wittig (IT Consult) provided valuable assistance in refining the presentation and targeting it to the right audience.
Rob Walker (TSL) and other members of staff at TSL helped with conversion of the video tapes to MPEG format.

Dave Berry

Dave Berry (ORL) assembled a CD-mastering workstation and accurately mastered the many revisions of the CD to tight deadlines.
Of the partners, Philippe Gentric (LEP), Tim Glauert (TSL), Alan Chaney (TSL), Jon Kennedy (CAPTEC) and particularly Anita Dowling (St. James's Hospital) sent in useful and detailed contributions.
Umberto Liuzzi (CD-SYSTEMS) and his colleagues integrated AMIE in the PROSOMA encyclopaedia of results using this CD as source material; they also produced the introductory movie clip.

This web of documentation about AMIE is available online at and as a CD-ROM which can be obtained from ORL. The online and the CD versions are identical. Another version of the documentation, largely based on this material but with a different interface and with slightly different movie clips, was produced by CD-SYSTEMS for the European Commission and is included in PROSOMA, the multimedia showcase of results of the ESPRIT programme.


Copyright © 1996 ORL and the AMIE partners

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