Some things I've written

Through the magic of PHP and RSS, here's a taster of recent stuff on Status-Q. Go there to read the full entries.
"Thought for the day. How many SMS messages have you sent recently? From a BBC article: "Every month more than one bi..."
"The origins of Hanlon's Razor Following on from his email explaining Hanlon's Razor, Joe Biglen has been in touch again..."
"Since I can, for the moment at least, count myself among that small elite group known as Mac Users, I have a whole new w..."
"One of my favourite quotes is known as Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute malice to what can adequately be explained by stu..."
"I'm reading a Nokia white paper describing how their new Multimedia Messaging Service will allow you to send images, ani..."
"I was walking into town today, talking on my mobile using an earpiece. On the rare occasions when I do this I wave the ..."
"On Mark Pilgrim's weblog there's a nice page about what's wrong with RedHat's installer. I agree. That isn't to say that..."
"Nice article by Roger Ridey in today's Independent: How Microsoft changed my life. ..."