Dr Rose Melikan

Fellow, St Catharine's College, Cambridge

Contact information:

Dr R.A. Melikan
St Catharine's College
Cambridge CB2 1RL

Tel: +44 1223 765162
Fax: +44 1223 338340
email: [email protected]



Historical Foundations of the British Constitution
European Legal History
Civil Law II


English Legal History
Civil Law I
Civil Law II


1988-1992 Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge University
Doctor of Philosophy
English constitutional history
1986-1987 University of Chicago
Master of Arts
Modern British Political History
History of the Common Law
History of the Civil Law
1983-1986 University of Chicago Law School
Doctor of Law
1979-1982 University of Michigan
Bachelor of Arts
Medieval & Renaissance History
English Literature

Some Recent Publications:

John Scott, Lord Eldon (1751-1838), the Duty of Loyalty  Cambridge University Press (1999).

'Pains and penalties procedure: how the House of Lords "tried" Queen Caroline' [forthcoming, Parliamentary History]

'Caging the Emperor: the Legal Basis for Detaining Napoleon Bonaparte' Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 67, 3-4 (1999) pp. 349-362.

'The Judge & the Talents: an Episode in the Evolution of Cabinet Government'  Parliamentary History, 18, 2 (1999) pp. 131-143.

'Mr Attorney General and the Politicians'  Historical Journal, 40, I (1997), pp. 41-69.

'Shippers, Salvors, and Sovereigns: Competing Interests in the Medieval Law of Shipwreck'  The Journal of Legal History, Sept. 1990, pp. 163-182.

Entries for Sir Vicary Gibbs; Sir Arthur Pigott; Sir Samuel Romilly; William Scott, Lord Stowell , in New Dictionary of National Biography