Personal Information

[Picture of Rose] I live in Cambridge, England, and am married to Rose Melikan, who teaches in the University. Here's a picture of Rose, and clicking on it will show you another, taken on a mountain above Lake Como, Italy.

You can click here or here to buy Rose's book. As you can see, she has a very different area of expertise from mine!

Fun stuff

I (Quentin, not Rose!) am very fond of cheesecake, single malt whisky, and Sainsbury's gooseberry fools, though these may all have been overtaken now by Loseley 'Stem Ginger & Acacia Honey' ice cream. I also like doing silly things such as parachuting, bungee-jumping and scuba diving from time to time.

Melikian Studios

Rose's brother, Chris, is a wildlife and landscape artist. Please take a moment to look at some of his work (though a small screen can hardly do it justice).


If you know Cambridge, you might be interested in some pictures I took recently when the river rose a little higher than usual.

Other Photos

Most of my recent photo collection is available here.


I occasionally scribble some notes on my weblog at


Rose's mother, Ruth Ann, is a guide at the Henry Ford estate at Fair Lane. Here I am in a Model T.