#! /usr/local/bin/python ####################################################################### # Newslist $Revision: $ # # Syntax: # newslist [ -a ] [ -q ] # # This is a program to create a directory full of HTML pages # which between them contain links to all the newsgroups available # on your server. # # The -a option causes a complete list of all groups to be read from # the server rather than just the ones which have appeared since last # execution. This recreates the local list from scratch. Use this on # the first invocation of the program, and from time to time thereafter. # When new groups are first created they may appear on your server as # empty groups. By default, empty groups are ignored by the -a option. # However, these new groups will not be created again, and so will not # appear in the server's list of 'new groups' at a later date. Hence it # won't appear until you do a '-a' after some articles have appeared. # # I should really keep a list of ignored empty groups and re-check them # for articles on every run, but I haven't got around to it yet. In the # meantime, if you run newslist as a cron job daily, you might like to # run it with -a once a week, say. # # Note too that newslist never deletes any pages. So groups which are # removed from the server will no longer have links to them, but they # may exist on a page in the directory. This is not too serious unless # people have bookmarks to them - I discovered that the most popular page # on my server was the newslist one showing the alt.sex hierarchy, long # after alt.sex.* had actually been removed from the server. You make # like to delete *.html from time to time to prevent this! # # The -q option stands for 'quiet'. The normal friendly little information # messages don't appear when you do this - only significant warnings. # Useful if you run newslist in a cron job. # # This assumes an NNTP news feed. # # Feel free to copy, distribute and modify this code for # non-commercial use. If you make any useful modifications, let me # know! # # (c) Quentin Stafford-Fraser 1996 # quentin@att.com # # ####################################################################### import sys,nntplib, string, marshal, time, os, posix, string, getopt ####################################################################### # Check these variables before running! # # # # When run, newlist looks in the current directory and then in your # # home directory for a file called .newslistrc.py containing python # # commands. If found, the file will be executed. This means that you # # can set all of these variables there and they will override the # # definitions below. This saves changing the distributed source in # # this or later versions. # # Top directory. # Filenames which don't start with / are taken as being relative to this. topdir='/anfs/qsbigdisc/web/html/newspage' # The name of your NNTP host # eg. # newshost = 'nntp-serv.cl.cam.ac.uk' # or use following to get the name from the NNTPSERVER environment # variable: # newshost = posix.environ['NNTPSERVER'] newshost = 'nntp-serv.cl.cam.ac.uk' # You may wish to include the hostname in the news: URLs generated. # eg news://newshost/local.misc # Some browsers support connections to multiple different NNTP # servers, and this allows them to distinguish between them. # Set this to '' if you want URLs like news:local.misc newsurlhost = newshost # The filename for a local cache of the newsgroup list treefile = 'grouptree' # The filename for descriptions of newsgroups # I found a suitable one at ftp.uu.net in /uunet-info/newgroups.gz # You can set this to '' if you don't wish to use one. descfile = 'newsgroups' # The directory in which HTML pages should be created # eg. # pagedir = '/usr/local/lib/html/newspage' # pagedir = 'pages' pagedir = topdir # The html prefix which will refer to this directory # eg. # httppref = '/newspage/', # or leave blank for relative links between pages: (Recommended) # httppref = '' httppref = '' # The name of the 'root' news page in this directory. # A .html suffix will be added. rootpage = 'root' # Set skipempty to 0 if you wish to see links to empty groups as well. # Only affects the -a option. skipempty = 1 # pagelinkicon can contain html to put an icon after links to # further pages. This helps to make important links stand out. # Set to '' if not wanted, or '...' is quite a good one. pagelinkicon='... ' # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Less important personal preferences: # Sublistsize controls the maximum number of items the will appear as # an indented sub-list before the whole thing is moved onto a different # page. The smaller this is, the more pages you will have, but the # shorter each will be. sublistsize = 4 # That should be all. # ####################################################################### # Execute .newslistrc.py if found in current directory or HOME for dir in os.curdir, os.environ['HOME']: rcfile = os.path.join(dir, '.newslistrc.py') if os.path.exists(rcfile): execfile(rcfile) break from nntplib import NNTP from stat import * rcsrev = '$Revision: $'[11:15] newslistref = '' \ 'newslist' desc = {} quiet = 0 allgroups = 0 # Make (possibly) relative filenames into absolute ones treefile = os.path.join(topdir,treefile) descfile = os.path.join(topdir,descfile) page = os.path.join(topdir,pagedir) # First the bits for creating trees --------------------------- # Addtotree creates/augments a tree from a list of group names def addtotree(tree, groups): if not quiet: print 'Updating tree...' for i in groups: parts = string.splitfields(i,'.') makeleaf(tree, parts) # Makeleaf makes a leaf and the branch leading to it if necessary def makeleaf(tree,path): j = path[0] l = len(path) if not tree.has_key(j): tree[j] = {} if l == 1: tree[j]['.'] = '.' if l > 1: makeleaf(tree[j],path[1:]) # Then the bits for outputting trees as pages ---------------- # Createpage creates an HTML file named .html containing links # to those groups beginning with . def createpage(root, tree, p): filename = os.path.join(pagedir,root+'.html') if root == rootpage: detail = '' else: detail = ' under ' + root f = open(filename,'w') # f.write('Content-Type: text/html\n') f.write('Newsgroups available' + detail + '\n') f.write('

Newsgroups available' + detail +'

\n') if root != rootpage: f.write('') f.write('Back to top level

\n') else: f.write('This is the top level.

') printtree(f,tree,0,p) f.write('This page automatically created by '); f.write(newslistref + ' v. '+rcsrev+'.') f.write(time.ctime(time.time()) + '

') f.close() # Printtree prints the groups as a bulleted list. Groups with # more than subgroups will be put on a separate page. # Other sets of subgroups are just indented. def printtree(f, tree, indent, p): global desc l = len(tree) if l > sublistsize and indent>0: # Create a new page and a link to it f.write('

  • ') f.write(p[1:]+'.*') f.write(''+pagelinkicon+'\n') createpage(p[1:], tree, p) return kl = tree.keys() if l > 1: kl.sort() if indent > 0: # Create a sub-list f.write('
  • '+p[1:]+'\n
      ') else: # Create a main list f.write('
        ') indent = indent + 1 for i in kl: if i == '.': # Output a newsgroup f.write('
      • '+ p[1:] + ' ') if desc.has_key(p[1:]): f.write(' '+desc[p[1:]]+'\n') else: f.write('\n') else: # Output a hierarchy printtree(f,tree[i], indent, p+'.'+i) if l > 1: f.write('\n
      ') # Reading descriptions file --------------------------------------- # This returns an array mapping group name to its description def readdesc(descfile): global desc desc = {} if descfile == '': return try: d = open(descfile, 'r') if not quiet: print 'Reading descriptions...' except (IOError): print 'Failed to open description file ' + descfile return l = d.readline() while l != '': bits = string.split(l) try: grp = bits[0] dsc = string.join(bits[1:]) if len(dsc)>1: desc[grp] = dsc except (IndexError): pass l = d.readline() # Check that ouput directory exists, ------------------------------ # and offer to create it if not def checkopdir(pagedir): if not os.path.isdir(pagedir): print 'Directory '+pagedir+' does not exist.' print 'Shall I create it for you? (y/n)' if sys.stdin.readline()[0] == 'y': try: os.mkdir(pagedir,0777) except: print 'Sorry - failed!' sys.exit(1) else: print 'OK. Exiting.' sys.exit(1) # Read and write current local tree ---------------------------------- def readlocallist(treefile): if not quiet: print 'Reading current local group list...' tree = {} try: treetime = time.localtime(os.stat(treefile)[ST_MTIME]) except: print '\n*** Failed to open local group cache '+treefile print 'If this is the first time you have run newslist, then' print 'use the -a option to create it.' sys.exit(1) treedate = '%02d%02d%02d' % (treetime[0] % 100 ,treetime[1], treetime[2]) try: dump = open(treefile,'r') tree = marshal.load(dump) dump.close() except (IOError): print 'Cannot open local group list ' + treefile return (tree, treedate) def writelocallist(treefile, tree): try: dump = open(treefile,'w') groups = marshal.dump(tree,dump) dump.close() if not quiet: print 'Saved list to '+treefile+'\n' except: print 'Sorry - failed to write to local group cache '+treefile print 'Does it (or its directory) have the correct permissions?' sys.exit(1) # Return list of all groups on server ----------------------------- def getallgroups(server): if not quiet: print 'Getting list of all groups...' treedate='010101' info = server.list()[1] groups = [] if not quiet: print 'Processing...' if skipempty: print '\nIgnoring following empty groups:' for i in info: grpname = string.split(i[0])[0] if skipempty and string.atoi(i[1]) < string.atoi(i[2]): if not quiet: print grpname+' ', else: groups.append(grpname) if not quiet: print '\n' if skipempty and not quiet: print '(End of empty groups)' return groups # Return list of new groups on server ----------------------------- def getnewgroups(server, treedate): if not quiet: print 'Getting list of new groups since start of '+treedate+'...', info = server.newgroups(treedate,'000001')[1] if not quiet: print 'got '+`len(info)`+'.' print 'Processing...', groups = [] for i in info: grpname = string.split(i)[0] groups.append(grpname) if not quiet: print 'Done' return groups # Now the main program -------------------------------------------- def main(): global desc, allgroups, quiet tree={} # Process any command line arguments try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'aq') for i in optlist: if i[0] == '-a': allgroups = 1 elif i[0] == '-q': quiet = 1 except (getopt.error): print 'Usage error:' print ' newslist [-a] [-v]' sys.exit(1) # Check that the output directory exists checkopdir(pagedir); try: if not quiet: print 'Connecting to '+newshost+'...' if sys.version[0] == '0': s = NNTP.init(newshost) else: s = NNTP(newshost) connected = 1 except (nntplib.error_temp, nntplib.error_perm), x: print 'Error connecting to host:', x print 'I\'ll try to use just the local list.' connected = 0 # If -a is specified, read the full list of groups from server if connected and allgroups: groups = getallgroups(s) # Otherwise just read the local file and then add # groups created since local file last modified. else: (tree, treedate) = readlocallist(treefile) if connected: groups = getnewgroups(s, treedate) if connected: addtotree(tree, groups) writelocallist(treefile,tree) # Read group descriptions readdesc(descfile) if not quiet: print 'Creating pages...' createpage(rootpage, tree, '') if not quiet: print 'Done' main() # That's all folks ######################################################################