What I do at AT&T

Broadband Phone

The Cambridge AT&T lab is a great place to work. You can read about it here. I've had connections with the lab for some time, and have been a full-time employee since I finished my PhD in early 1996.

Until recently I worked on the Broadband Phone and VNC projects, but I'm now investigating next-generation web technologies (particularly XML & SOAP), and exploring various aspects of mobile computing and internet appliances.


I wrote some other bits of software which some people are foolish enough to use: 

My favourite programming language is Modula-3 but not many other people use it now so I have to conform a bit. Java has most of the nice features of Modula-3, C++ is usable, Python is very good, PHP is handy, TCL is bad, Perl is really horrible, but, hey, I use 'em all.