Tcl/Tk Workshop `95 - Friday: Session 8
Open Discussion on Tcl/Tk OO Extensions
John Ousterhout
- states that when the interpreter is re-worked, he will attempt to put things into the core to make OO extensions easier.
- Request directions on what is needed
Mark Rosenburg
- Uses [incr Tcl] all of the time. His work was aimed at composing as opposed to inheritance.
Dean Sheehan
- Had hand drawn slide showing:
- ObjectTcl is for when you are using C++
- Objective-Tcl is for when you are using Objective-C
- [incr Tcl] and MIT Otcl is for OO at Tcl level.
David Wetherall
Michael McLennan
- Also agrees with Dean (had prepared slide showing this)
- Disagrees that [incr Tcl] is not dynamic
- Can do one of following
- One class per object generated on the flow
- Use array (public or private) to implement slots
- Says really need name spaces in core with
- public/private/protected access
- import model
- protection model
- activation hooks
Pedja Bogdanovich
- Seamless integration with Objective-C
- No line between compiled and interpretive code
- Agrees with Mike that namespaces needed
Panel Agrees that John needs to add (for them to be dynamically loaded)
- Namespaces or at C level, need "unknown" hooks for commands and variables
- Widespread Uses
- Installed Base of Software
Works In Progress - Round Table Discussion
Don Libs
- tkbiff
- autoexpect
- Generates expect scripts from watching you
Larry Rowe and Brain Smith
Adam Sah
- Faster child of Tcl
- Has pass-by-ref and pass-by-constant
- Errors have two parts
Ben Bederson
- Showed improved PAD++ with much improved zoom (high resolution)
David Keefe
- Talked about using Tcl/Tk in newspaper industry
- Absolute deadlines
- Limited to single binary placement
Stephen Karamatos
- The ConDoR Project
- Combines WEB, E-mail, etc
- Client Server implementation
- Server
- non Tcl
- real time
- dynamic objects
- Objects store Tcl/Tk code
- Clients Tcl/Tk
Maruo Comin
Scott Stewart
- TIGER CAD - a Tcl based CAD system
Northon Rodrigues
- Tcl based waveform analyzer & schematic editor
Stephen Uhler
- Hippo - a Tcl based Web browser
- Extendible in Tcl
- Faster than Mosaic or Netscape
- A little C code to support HTTP
- Supports multiple simultaneous fetches
- Supports embedded Tcl/Tk
Gerald Lester
- About large projects using Tcl/Tk
- Oil Platform control systems
- Auger (done)
- Mars (in-progress)
- Ram-Powell (in-progress)
- Electric Distribution
- Reo de Janeiro (being installed)
- Pipeline
- Assist:
- Lawrence Livermore National Labs