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omniORB2 under Sun C++ 5

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Sun C++ 4.2 is currently what we use to compile code to put into service.

We are putting Sun C++ 5.0 under testing. There were a number of problems with Sun C++ 5.0. These range from incorrect code to simply being unable to produce linkable object code. With the latest Sun C++ compiler patch (107311-06 of Sep 20), the compiler at least seems to produce correct code. *BUT* it still generates incorrect exception handling code when using just the -O2 flag or no optimisation at all. Strangely, "-O2 -g" produces correct code. At least it seems to work with simple tests. If your programs crash when there are concurrent activities, try recompile with -g only.

Another annoying feature of the compiler is that it has a habit of taking up all the CPU cycles and huge amount of memory (350M) doing who knows what. Sometimes compiling a moderate size omniORB2 stub could take 20 minutes or so on a 300MHz UltraSparc.


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