Free High Performance CORBA 2 ORB

from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge

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Latest News

  • 9th Oct 2001 - omniNotify 1.1 is available. This is a scalable implementation of the CORBA Notification Service. For details and download instructions, look here.

  • 18th June 2001 - omniORB 4.0 is now available for preview. Visit this page to check out the latest development status.

  • 22nd June 2001 - omniORBpy 1.4 is available. For details and download instructions, look here.

  • 22nd June 2001 - omniORB 3.0.4 is available. Download it from here or for details about this release, look here.

  • 6th Jun 2001 - The omniORB wiki page is now open for business here. Please visit and add your success stories, FAQ and useful tips.

  • 27th Mar 2001 - David Reyes i Forniés announces omniifr version 1.1, an Interface Repository for omniORB.

More news...

What is omniORB ?

omniORB is a robust, high-performance CORBA 2 ORB, developed by us. It is one of only three ORBs to be awarded the Open Group's Open Brand for CORBA. This means that omniORB has been tested and certified CORBA 2.1 compliant. You can find out more about the branding program at the Open Group.

We have decided to make omniORB freely available. Here's why.

omniORB implements the specification 2.3 of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). It is our third generation ORB (hence the name 'omniORB three'). The initial goal was to produce a standard conforming ORB that can deliver the performance required by the applications developed in-house. It has been deployed for lab-wide use since Mar 1997. In May 1997, the ORB was released externally as free software under the GNU Public Licences. The latest release - 3.0.3- is the 10th public release of the software.

See a summary of technical details of omniORB. It supports the C++ language binding; is fully multithreaded; uses IIOP as the native transport; and comes complete with a COS Naming Service.

There are some performance measurements. It's pretty quick, possibly the fastest CORBA 2 compliant ORB around.

To keep up to date with the latest information on omniORB, and to discuss CORBA and omniORB issues with developers around the world, subscribe to the omniORB mailing list. The archives of the mailing list are available. A search engine is available for searching the archive.



For comments, feedback, etc, please see the 'Keeping in touch' page.
Copyright 2000 - AT&T Laboratories Cambridge