Bug Report no. 53

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Reported By

Marcel Gebhard


16 April 1999




omniORB 2.7.1 and 2.7.0


There is a bug in the code for marshalling an Any which contains an array or sequence of certain types of structure. An example of a such a data type is:


  struct foo {
    short a;
    short b;
    long  c;
    short d;

  typedef sequence<foo> this_type_causes_problem;
The result is likely to be an omniORB::fatalException, since the ORB detects that the size calculated for the type and the amount of data written differ.


Apply this patch.

The patch changes:

  • src/lib/omniORB2/dynamic/tcParser.cc
  • src/lib/omniORB2/dynamic/typecode.cc

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