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omniORB2 - bug report

Report number 4

Reported by Edward Scott

Date 27 May 1997

Platforms Win32 (Windows NT, Windows '95)

Version omniORB_2.2.0

Description Link errors involving MemBufferedStream may show up when linking to either the static or dynamic (DLL) libraries:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: void __thiscall 
MemBufferedStream::grow(unsigned int)"(?grow@MemBufferedStream@@AAEXI@Z)

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: void *__thiscall
MemBufferedStream::overrun_error(void)" (?overrun_error@MemBufferedStream@@AAEPAXXZ)
Pre-built binaries
Binaries incorporating the patch are now available: (ZIPped)
omniORB_2.2.0_win32patch3.tar.gz(gnu zipped)

Building from source: PATCH #3
Download these 2 files:

Put MAKEFILE in the directory build_win32 .
Put omniORB2.def in the directory src\lib\omniORB2 .

Re-compile both the static and dynamic libraries. Copy the new DLL to a directory that is searched by the system's loader. Finally, link your code to the new (static or import) library.

Action This patch will be incorporated in the next release.


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