Bug Report no. 34

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Reported By



16 Oct 1998




omniORB 2.6.0 or earlier  (Fixed in 2.6.1)


In IDL, when a fixed size union branch is followed by an array of union branch, the data member of the fixed sizze branch is not defined in the generated stub. For example:

union X switch (boolean) {
  case TRUE: short s;

union U switch (long) {
  case 1: long x;
  case 2: X    y[2];

The private data member of x is not generated in the stub code.


This patch fixes the problem (and in a separate text file):

*** omniORB_2.6.0/src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/o2be_union.cc   Wed Oct 14 15:13:29 1998
--- omniORB_2.6.0_patched/src/tool/omniidl2/omniORB2_be/o2be_union.cc   Fri Oct 16 12:26:24 1998
*** 28,33 ****
--- 28,38 ----
    $Log: 34.html,v $
    Revision 1.4  1999/02/04 18:45:02  sll
    *** empty log message ***

# Revision 1.3  1998/11/19  15:56:48  sll
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.2  1998/10/20  18:14:58  sll
# *** empty log message ***
    Revision 1.1  1998/10/16 15:05:23  sll
    Initial revision

+   Revision 1.18  1998/10/16 11:26:21  sll
+   Previously, if a fixed size union branch is followed by an array of union
+   branch, the data member of the fixed size branch is not defined in the
+   generated stub. This is now fixed.
    Revision 1.17  1998/10/14 14:13:28  sll
    Do not put fixed-size struct inside the anonymous union data member in a
*** 526,532 ****
                ntype != o2be_operation::tAny &&
                ntype != o2be_operation::tTypeCode)
-               has_fix_member = I_TRUE;
                if (ntype == o2be_operation::tArrayFixed) 
                    // Array of fixed size union is a special case, the data
--- 531,536 ----
*** 543,554 ****
                    while (dd->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_typedef) {
                      dd = o2be_typedef::narrow_from_decl(dd)->base_type();
!                   if (dd->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_union) {
!                     // The element is a union. Do not define the data member
                      // in the anonymous union.
-                     has_fix_member = I_FALSE;
           switch (ntype)
--- 547,563 ----
                    while (dd->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_typedef) {
                      dd = o2be_typedef::narrow_from_decl(dd)->base_type();
!                   if (dd->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_union ||
!                       dd->node_type() == AST_Decl::NT_struct) {
!                     // The element is a union or a struct. 
!                     // Do not define the data member
                      // in the anonymous union.
+                   else
+                     has_fix_member = I_TRUE;
+               else
+                 has_fix_member = I_TRUE;



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