

An overview from a business opportunities perspective

Multiple high resolution video streams to the desktop

Medium- to large-sized organisations invariably benefit from better interpersonal communication facilities. One of the primary benefits of AMIE's distributed multimedia technology is its capability to enhance communications with hi-fi audio and video links for videophone and videomail, over which nuances in conversation can be conveyed much more effectively and immediately than via phone or email. Experts can be consulted remotely sharing, viewing and interacting with the same data just as effectively as if they were present in the same room.

The flexibility of a digital solution for presentations

Another key field is that of presentations, where the use of audio-visual aids is a powerful attention grabber for the audience. In some fields, as in the medical environment which is the focus of the pilot installation, the multimedia data itself is the core of the information being presented. In such cases the flexibility of a fully digital solution outweights any comparable analog equipment such as VCR, cine-film or slides in terms of its handling convenience, ablity to simultaneously display multiple modality images and potential for on-the-fly image enhancing.

WHITE PAPER: Creating New Opportunities for SOHO (small office / home office)

The versatility of the open-ended AMIE technology ensures that many more uses can be envisaged beyond those demonstrated in the pilot. Among the many examples that come to mind we can quote applications in the area of training, sales support and video on demand. Telecommuting is another promising area with the potential for substantial growth.

WHITE PAPER: Using Digital Video and Audio for Surveillance and Monitoring

Enabling programs to analyse the digital streams opens interesting new developments in areas such as security video surveillance of car parks, supermarkets etc. Unlike conventional analog systems, where arrays of cameras are active 24 hours a day and continually produce an unwieldy amount of videotapes, AMIE's fully digital technology allows a smart security application to analyse all the incoming streams and highlight only the few portions of the recording that contain motion. Using digital circular buffers with a capacity of a few minutes to catch the run-up to the interesting part, the system could record the portions with motion at full quality and the others at lower resolution and frame rate, thus achieving significant savings in storage and indexing costs.
The technology and the know-how developed in the course of the project put the partners in a position of world leadership. Prime contractor ORL, a small leading-edge research laboratory in Cambridge, UK, in its commitment to fully exploiting this invaluable technological advantage, has quickly founded a separate spin-off company, Telemedia Systems Ltd, to develop and bring to market commercial products based on the AMIE results.


Copyright © 1996 ORL and the AMIE partners

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